Supermoon Yoga Workshop | Full Moon Women’s Circle
by Maria Vincent
Samadhi Yoga by Navutu Dreams
Navutu Dreams’ idyllic setting brings the second monthly Full Moon Women’s Circle on November the 14th. But that’s not all, this month sees the biggest, brightest and closest supermoon in 70 years! After the success of the first Women’s Circle in October, Yoga teachers and Healers Louise and Melissa would like to invite all women again to join us on Monday night at 6.30pm on the Navutu Rooftop for some Moon gazing.
The evening will also include Goddess Yoga Flow – some physical Asana practice to get the energy moving, Music and Mantra to create the vibrations and bring us all together, Energy Healing as a full moon is the time to cleanse and start a-fresh, and a Closing Fire Ceremony.
The spiritual effects of a full moon have been widely researched, as all astral bodies, stars, and planets affect our mood and behaviour as they emanate subtle frequencies which radiate to all beings. Perhaps you have noticed that people can be more stressed, situations more difficult and circumstances more chaotic around the time of a full moon (it’s not just werewolves that feel the effect!).
A full moon tends to bring concentrated and intensified thoughts from our sub-conscious, these can manifest as a flurry of creativity and inspiration, or perhaps we may be feeling that we are particularly down, or having a few bad days. In this way it can be very useful to be in touch with Astrological cycles and cycles in the Natural World, to allow us to prepare and maximize our potential energetically.
Speaking of preparations, here are 3 things you can do to feel the benefit of this Supermoon.
1. Spend some time reflecting in the days leading up to the Full Moon (over the coming weekend), you can write your reflections down in a Journal.
2. Create some intentions of what it is you would like to draw into your life. New Moons are the time to get clarity on your intentions, sometimes we wish to cultivate more courage or forgiveness for example, sometimes we would like to be specific about a new job or opportunity.
3. When the New Moon arrives or as the Full Moon is still in place, meditate on these positive intentions, this can be a seated meditation in silence, this could be dedicating some time to contemplating with music/mantra/candles. Or you can bring your intentions to the Women’s Circle and meditate on them in a group.
If the full moon brings amplification of what we are feeling and thinking, then let’s give it some good ammunition!
Be someone to look up to. Don’t be phased by difficulties. Take time to reflect. Enjoy a little space. Honor the cycles of Nature. Light up the night. – Llan Shamir